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Standards Activity for Beneficial Artificial Intelligence

US experts in the INCITS/Artificial Intelligence Technical Committee are participating through ISO/IEC  JTC 1/SC 42  in the development of a new project for ISO/IEC TR 21221, Information technology - Artificial intelligence - Beneficial AI systems

The scope of ISO/IEC TR 21221 describes the benefits of AI systems as perceived by a variety of stakeholders. AI system benefits can be considered functional, economic, environmental, social, societal and cultural. The document includes illustrative use cases of applications of AI systems.

Provided here is an executive summary of the new international standards activity in Beneficial Artificial Intelligence (AI).  This international standardization work is being performed jointly by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) in their Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) on Information Technology (IT), Subcommittee 42 (SC 42) on Artificial Intelligence, Working Group 4 (WG 4) on Use Cases.  More precisely, Beneficial AI is defined with respect to such systems:

beneficial AI system: AI system is purposeful and is beneficial when it is applied to create value and positive impact for its stakeholders

Example:  From Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Measuring the environmental impacts of artificial intelligence compute and applications:

"The [OCED] report distinguishes between direct and indirect positive and negative environmental impacts. Direct impacts stem from the AI computer resources lifecycle (i.e. the production, transport, operations and end-of-life stages). Analysis indicates that direct impacts are most often negative and stem from resource consumption, such as the use of water, energy and its associated GHG emissions, and other raw materials. Indirect impacts result from AI applications and can be either positive, such as smart grid technology or digital twin simulations, or negative, such as unsustainable changes in consumption patterns." [emphasis added]

Key characteristics include:

  • benefit is purposeful, intentional, and not accidental:
  • value creation and positive impact
  • stakeholders: any individual, group, or organization that can affect, be affected by or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity

The technical report being developed includes the following scope:

Develop a conceptual framework to articulate the benefits of AI systems as perceived by a variety of stakeholders based on value and impact.  The dimensions of benefits of specific to AI systems include functional, economic, environmental, social, societal, cultural, etc. The stakeholders include participants in the development of AI International Standards, users of International Standards, users and subjects of AI systems. Illustrations will include use cases of applications of AI systems applications and use cases from various industry sectors.

The following are some of the stakeholders of Beneficial AI:

  • AI provider – including AI platform provider, AI product or service provider
  • AI producer – including AI developer
  • AI customer - including AI user
  • AI partner - including AI system integrator, data provider, AI evaluator, AI auditor
  • AI subject - including data subject, other subject
  • Relevant - authorities including policy makers, regulators

Specialized stakeholders might include:

  • end users.
  • system developers and designers
  • system owner.
  • regulatory authorities and lawmakers.
  • communities; and
  • data subjects.

Have an interest in artificial intelligence technology? Learn more about this technology and membership in this INCITS Technical Committee.


About INCITS: the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) – is the central U.S. forum dedicated to creating technology standards for the next generation of innovation.  INCITS members combine their expertise to create the building blocks for globally transformative technologies. From cloud computing to communications, from transportation to health care technologies, INCITS is the place where innovation begins. INCITS is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and is affiliated with ITI. Visit to learn more.